Turnout timers optimize response times, reduce stress and offer situational awareness, improving emergency readiness.

Enhance Emergency Readiness with Westnet Station Turnout Timers

Turnout timers, also known as call timers, are a game-changer for crews aiming to improve response times, while reducing stress. The challenge of meeting the NFPA 1710 turnout time standard of 80 seconds can put pressure on teams, but Westnet's turnout timers provide an effective, non-punitive solution. These timers act as a barometer of speed, offering immediate feedback on how efficiently crews are mobilizing without adding pressure or scrutiny from chiefs or officers.

The benefits of using a turnout timer go beyond just awareness. By making response times visible, crews gain valuable insights into their performance, allowing them to adjust and improve naturally over time. This heightened awareness fosters a culture of accountability and teamwork, helping stations consistently meet critical standards while ensuring faster responses during emergencies. Additionally, the non-invasive design of Westnet's timers ensures they are not connected to reporting systems, making them a tool for growth rather than one of discipline.

Westnet turnout timers are built for integration and efficiency. When used alongside the Westnet High Power Amp, Messenger, Indicator, and Mapping Endpoints, they provide the ultimate call awareness system. These features ensure that crews receive clear, synchronized alerts across multiple channels, enabling rapid mobilization and alerting redundancy. With highly visible displays, audible prompts, and seamless compatibility with Westnet's suite of products, these timers are the perfect addition to any station focused on improving operational excellence.

By choosing Westnet turnout timers, your team gains the tools to meet standards, enhance awareness, and respond with confidence—because every second counts.

Turnout Timer Features:

  • Timing begins with the alert from Dispatch
  • Assists in meeting NFPA 1710 & 1720 standards
  • Can be set up by zone for smart alerting
  • Resets at the end of the alert sequence
  • Available in two sizes - 17.5" and 35"

Where are turnout timers installed?
Turnout Timers are commonly located in apparatus bays between apparatus bay doors for ease of sight and in dorms or hallways in larger operations.